Written by: Naš tim

MSc Shahinda Mohamed

MSc Shahinda Mohamed (Katar). Magistrirala je menadžment u turizmu na Rimskoj poslovnoj školi i diplomirala vodne resurse i inženjerstvo zaštite životne sredine na Sudanskom univerzitetu nauke i tehnologije. Njeno obrazovanje uključuje i diplomu na UFI Ekhibition Management School, gde je stekla znanja o globalnoj izlagačkoj praksi i standardima. Pored pozicije u naučno-stručnom udruženju ŠumArt, Koordinator je Qatar Museums, a pre toga je bila na različitim pozicijama u turizmu (koordinacija događaja, odnosi s klijentima, digitalni marketing).


MSc Shahinda Mohamed (Qatar). She holds a Master’s in Tourism Management from Rome Business School and a Bachelor’s in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from Sudan University of Science and Technology. Her education also includes a degree from UFI Exhibition Management School, where she acquired knowledge of global exhibition practices and standards. Along with her engagement in SumArt, she is Qatar Museums Coordinator. Over the course of her eight-year career in the tourism and hospitality industry, she has held various positions in hotels and resorts (including guest service, events coordination, and digital marketing analytics).



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